Four Eyes

Friday, March 11, 2011

I have four eye envy.

Let me explain....

Back when I was 7 years old, I would often pretend I couldn't see very well. Whenever I'd have to  read with my mom, I would squint my eyes and press the book close to my face so my nose almost brushed the pages. This act became routine all because I so very, very badly wanted to wear a pair of eye glasses. A desire that had nothing to do with a colossal crush on the blond haired, glasses-wearing boy who sat next to me in Mrs. Head's third grade class. Must have been a coincidence, right? Eventually, my mom took me to the optometrists of which after a brief examination, the only prescription I left with was a prescription to go to my room.

A few weeks went by, and my crush on blond haired boy rapidly dissolved, as crushes tend to do at that age. But at 27 years old, I still harbor a crush on eye wear. For some fun this afternoon,  I did a some browsing online and found a handful of old school frames to my liking.

Even if they are merely for make believe...

Decisions, decisions......

Images 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7


  1. I went to the eye dr. last week and he told me everything looked good, but if I REALLY wanted glasses I could get them. :) It made me think of this. I told him about it and he laughed and said I would be surprised at how often that happens, especially with girls.

  2. I'm jealous. Very jealous... :)


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