Big Hair, Big Teeth

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

LBD and I flew back home from Texas on Sunday. A break from the snow to warm our toes and warm our souls was just what the doctor ordered. Springtime Lone Star-style is my favorite time of year there, especially when the bluebonnets start to show their petal brims. By mid-April, the land turns wild with blue wherever the earth remains untouched by man.

Upon arriving in Texas, my baby's already unruly hair took on a whole other life. Atop her little head sprouted thick, buoyant banana curls that I didn't even attempt to tame. She certainly pulled off the "big hair" look effortlessly. The not-so-adorable part of the trip was the nightly showdown between LBD, myself, and the two teeth on each side of her already visible front teeth duo. Those two teeth tried to make a break for it all week. Those two teeth caused a string of long, sleepless nights. Thankfully, the right tooth came in yesterday. Now we're just waiting (and praying!) for that left side to stop being a coward and show itself so our house can have a night of peace.

Despite the tooth trouble yielding sleepyheadness during the trip, we were able to make it out to the the zoo, do a bit of shopping, visit family, and walk around Grapevine's Main Street.

We took advantage of the warm weather and did a little pool time.

LBD's a fish like her momma.

After baby girl had her fill of pool time and I put her down for a nap, I sat in the sun, I closed my eyes and focused on the motion behind my eyelids. Rotating circles..white strips....fuzzy stars... 5 minutes went by. I opened my eyes. I flipped through magazines, with grape slushie in hand. 45 minutes of afternoon silence. Days like that move so slowly, but somehow go by fast. It felt like summer for those 45 minutes (uninterrupted). It was heaven.

I took this picture during one of the naps last week, because I like to remember that she has the ability to sleep soundly.

Pearly whites. Baby is going to have a full set of chomps by age 1.

Upon our return home we have a BIG week ahead. Other than LBD cutting teeth and trying to get a decent night's rest, my husband and I are discussing future plans of where he wants to go to back to school for the Fall 2011. Back to reality. Final decision Friday!


  1. [...] Sorry for the lull around here. The last few days have been busy ones with all the traveling and the after-travel settling that takes place after being gone for almost a week.  Needless to say, the baby traveled *extremely* well and slept like a champ the entire trip. This was improvement by leaps and bounds compared to when we were in Texas. [...]

  2. [...] last time we were in Texas was March. In March, I had a little baby who couldn’t yet walk or [...]


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