
Sunday, May 1, 2011

This painting has nothing to do with this blog post. But I like it. I like Jermy Miranda's work. It's dreamy.

In the upcoming weeks my posting will be more irregular with the impending move. Bear with me here.

Decisions were made last week.

A couple days ago I was offered a job as a part-time youth librarian in Kansas. An incredible opportunity that I'm *really* excited about. Not only will it allow us a small extra income while Will is in school, but it's a job I've always wanted to persue. The decision was made that I would accept the job and we would all move to Kansas at the end of May.

Which leads us to decisions that still need to be made.

We have to be out of our house in the middle of May but can't move into our new house until August. Where do we live in the interim? How are we going to move down there? Who...? What..? Where.? When? How?! It's a process.

“My basic principle is that you don't make decisions because they are easy; you don't make them because they are cheap; you don't make them because they're popular; you make them because they're right.” -Theodore Hesburgh


  1. [...] Will and I have packed up the majority of our house and plan on finishing this weekend. It will all go in storage for the summer. (I’ll get to that reasoning in a minute.) While we were packing we were fantasizing about not having so much stuff. “Let’s sell it all!” “Let’s donate the rest!”  Very tempting. Especially, when you have to pack as often as we do. Going back to putting our belongings away for the summer part mentioned… We were graciously offered a place to live at my best friend’s parent’s house in Kansas until we can move into our house in August. We accepted with humility and gratitude. I spent most of my teenage years in their house, so in a way it will be an extended stay with my other family. Everything is starting to fall into place. [...]


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