
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Elmo is my daughter's first true love.

She likes everyone on Seseme Street. Abbey, Big Bird, Grover, Ernie, Cookie Monster........and then there's Elmo. She's reeeaalllly into her Elmo. For instance, during a Halloween party last October, L saw a little boy wearing an Elmo costume, ran towards him as fast as her little legs could carry her, and proceeded to tackle him to the ground. Poor lil' guy didn't know what hit him.

We don't have cable and she was never exposed much to Elmo before we started going to the more library after our move to Lawrence. There one day she saw a little girl holding an Elmo's World DVD and just had to have it. I thought, "What's the harm? We'll check out an Elmo DVD. See if she likes it."

After that, she was hooked.

We only let her watch an episode or 25 minutes worth  of Elmo a day, but he remains a staple during playtime everyday.

Last fall, I bought her an Elmo doll. She was sick and I thought it would be something that would lift her spirits. But somehow since that day in October, grandparents and friends also started to give her Elmo dolls, toys, clothing, and books whether they be new or hand-me-downs. He's all over the house. He also continues to be a must-have when we checkout items from the library.

Some more resent goodies include:

Elmo's World - Dancing, Music, & Books DVD (2002)

Elmo Loves You book by Sarah Albee

Sesame Street - Dinosaurs! DVD (2008)

Elmo's Music Magic DVD (2011)

To break up the red monster monotony, she's finally (FINALLY!) started to show interest in other characters like Maisy and Mister Rogers' Neighborhood.

I've read a Maisy Mouse book for storytime a few weeks ago, which was what kicked off the new Maisy obsession. If you're looking for something other than Sesame Street for a toddler or preschool age child, Maisy is a great remedy. Here are a few books and movies we like...

Where Does Maisy Live? book by Lucy Cousins

Good Night Maisy DVD (2004)

Maisy's Amazing Big Book of Learning book by Lucy Cousins

Maisy Big, Maisy Small book by Lucy Cousins

Another alternative to Elmo is Mister Rogers. Love Mister Rogers. Have you ever sat down and watched Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood as an adult? It's extremely therapeutic. I highly recommend it.

Mister Rogers' Neighborhood - Adventures in Friendship DVD (1968)

Mister Roger's Neighborhood - A Day at the Circus DVD (1968)

Mister Rogers' Neighborhood - What Do You Do With The Mad That You Feel? DVD (1968)

Needless to say, even though we are finally seeing some variety in our house, there will always be the king of the castle. A red furry king that talks like a baby.

Do your kids have character obsessions?

Did you?

image sources: elmo's world babies, dogs, and more, elmo loves you book, elmo's music magic, where does maisy live?, maisy's book of learning, maisy big maisy small, adventures in friendship day at the circus, what do you do with the mad that you feel


  1. Lexi got a pack of 4 Elmo books for her first birthday and she LOVES them...they're "lift the flap" books. Babies, Food, Puppies and Balls are the 4 subjects. Some of the flaps haven't survived her little toddler paws but they are still her favorite books.

  2. This is too cute!!!
    You gotta love a good woman who knows what she wants!

  3. Dominic loves Thomas the Tank Engine. And Percy. And James ("Meems"). And Rosie. I could go on. Do you know there are over 100 characters? Well, I can name pretty much all of them. :)

  4. [...] No list is complete without a Maisy book lately. The first thing she said when she woke up this morning was, “Maisy?” Girl loves her Maisy Mouse. [...]

  5. [...] Elmo and Maisy Mouse continue to be the craze with L, there’s a new character (and friends!) in town, who’s popularity seems to be [...]

  6. [...] you’re already familiar with L’s Maisy Mouse obsession. This is Lucy Cousin’s latest Maisy book. If I kept track of how many times we’ve read [...]


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