Orange is a Warm Color

Friday, October 28, 2011

This October, the warm days have far outweighed the cold. My mom was in town last weekend, so we all went out to enjoy the sunshine at the pumpkin patch. Even though I've been preparing LBD's Halloween costume, as well as Halloween storytime at the library on Sunday, I keep forgetting that Halloween is right around the corner. On Monday? And then it's November?

Do you have any exciting plans for this weekend? Carving pumpkins? Gorging yourself on treats? Reading any good books?

Tonight, I'm looking forward to attending a friend's gallery opening and then tomorrow will be the first Saturday in a very long time that we have absolutely nothing planned. I see at least one nap in the very near future...

Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Looks like a fun and beautiful day! We are spending our Halloween weekend in the season's first snowstorm- 4-6 inches expected.....

  2. What?!! I do not envy you guys. Yuck...

  3. Yes, the snow here was crazy! Gov. Christie declared a state of emergency and there are over 3 million people on the East Coast with no power. Luckily, we still have power so we baked and cleaned all weekend :) We've stocked up on candy so hopefully we'll get some trick-or-treaters tomorrow despite the nasty weather!

    Oh, and that picture of you walking away from the camera is beautiful! It looks like it belongs in a photography magazine.

  4. Unreal! I saw the headlines this morning before work!! Do you have power? Hope all the kiddos wear their snow boats.... I suppose when candy is involved, they will surely be prepared :)

    Will took that picture of me. He thought it was funny that I was carrying around a pumpkin with such a long vine. I shouldn't be such a camera hog and let him take pictures more often.

  5. Yes we have power, thank heavens. And we're incredibly lucky *knock on wood* considering our county was one of the 5 hardest hit counties (according to the radio).

    We didn't have as many trick-or-treaters as anticipated, so we'll have to get creative giving this candy away, haha.


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