Cluck, Cluck, Who's There?

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Our chicken friend has made a few return appearances since the first encounter. She also has the three of us wishing for one (...or two, or three) chickens of our very own. But since we're renting our house, having chickens is not in the immediate future. Regardless, Will and I have already been doing our research and these titles have us on our second round of renewals at the library-- thought I'd share:

Homemade Living: Keeping Chickens With Ashley English: All You Need To Know to Care for a Happy, Healthy Flock by Ashley English is inspiring. We're already set on what coop we'd like to build, plans provided in the pages. I first became acquainted with this author through her blog, Small Measure, which coincidentally did a recent giveaway of the next title I'm with in love with...

Farm Anatomy: The Curious Parts and Pieces of Country Life by Julia Rothman (who also has a blog home at Book By It's Cover) makes me want to go buy property in the outskirts of Lawrence and start a farm. Tomorrow. Get up and leave city life all together. An expansive garden... no... a crop! And chickens, and cows, and bees, and freshly laundered sheets blowing in the wind, and open rolling hills, and bright starry nights.

But I enjoy being able to walk into town every day. Going to the park, the library, being around people.  Living on a farm doesn't make these places off limits, but they aren't as accessible as they are where we live today. The country farm picture is pretty one, and within reach, but would I be able to forgo my city life comforts?

We're going to start small. Beginning with chickens.


  1. We're getting some chicks in the spring because Nick wants to take them to fair next year. I can't wait...I love watching chickens peck in the yard. They're such funny little creatures, so much personality. And nothing better than fresh eggs! Hope you can get your chickens soon too!


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