Apple Pie Storytime

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Nothing tastes more like fall than apple pie.

I'm pretty sure apple season in Kansas starts in September, but even so apples are autumn-ish and festive for an October afternoon storytime.  My pie-wizard-of-a-husband even baked an apple pie for the show, because naturally I believe in tempting children with treats to attend storytime.

We had a good turnout to show for it.

The line-up included:

Apple Farmer Annie by Monica Wellington

Ten Red Apples: A Bartholomew Bear Book by Virgina Miller

Apple Pie ABC by Alison Murray

The Apple Pie Tree by Zoe Hall and Illustrated by Shari Halpern

"Apple Treats", a poem, from In Fall by Rochelle Nielsen-Barsum (Sorry, no picture. Pretty sure it's out of print but it's available at the library!)

The Apple Pie that Papa Baked by Lauren Thompson and Illustrated by Jonathan Bean

Our "homemade apple pie" craft after reading (and eating the real deal):

The idea for the apple pie craft came from mash up of a co-worker's storytime project for pumpkin pie and an apple pie project from this website.

Before Sunday's storytime, I hole-punched 6-7 holes in two paper plates at once, tied them together with a long piece of yarn, and cut out pie holes in one of each paper plate pairs.

To make it easier for the kids to string together, I wrapped a small piece of scotch tape on the end. I also cut out apple slices from creme colored card stock beforehand.

After we read our apple pie books at storytime, I invited the kids to "bake" their own apple pie.

First we colored the crust with crayons.

Then glued apple slices inside the pie crust.

Sprinkled cinnamon on the glued apples.

Closed the cover on the pie and "baked" it by sewing it together.

Once sewn together, the adults helped the kids fasten a loop at the top.

Smells like freshly baked apple pie.

Image Sources: Apple Farmer Annie, Ten Red Apples, Apple Pie ABC, The Apple Pie Tree, The Apple Pie that Papa Baked


  1. [...] own Alison Murray’s Apple Pie ABC. In fact, I read it for my 2nd storytime at the Lawrence Public Library. So, both being fans of her work, we had to snag her latest picture [...]


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