Yesterday's Headlines

Saturday, August 27, 2011

...... and the day before that and the day before that. Here's what's been going on as of late.

Extra, extra, read all about it...

Monday of Mayhem: A Move, An Operation, and the Hottest Day of the Summer

The weekend before we moved to Lawrence from our temporary home in Kansas City, Will ended up having to take Lorelei to the  hospital. She had a fever and what looked like a nasty spider bite on her bum, so he took her in to get checked out. Better safe than sorry. Well, turns out she had cellulitus and was scheduled for surgery that following Monday. It's common for children to contract this type of infection this but if not taken care of can be quite sever. The worst part of it all was that she had to be put under and had an awful time coming out of the anesthetic. And it was the same day we had to move our belongings out of a storage unit and into our new house. Thankfully, LBD's operation was successful. Thankfully, I have a brother in town. Thankfully, a very nice and good brother. Thankfully, everything worked out. I stayed with the baby after the surgery was over and my husband and brother left to move everything out of storage and into our home. It was 108 degrees outside. The first of August. The Monday of Mayhem.

Death of a Warrior

A week after we moved into our house, I received word that my high school swim coach passed away. A mentor and an inspiration. A force. I owe a large part of who I am today is because of him. I wasn't the only one. Over 800 individuals attended his memorial service. Generations of athletes and students united and reunited. We mourned his passing with heavy hearts.

He was a true warrior and his legacy will live in us.

Mizu No Kukura

A Return to School. The Return of the Stay At Home Mom... Sorta

This week, Will started school and the dynamic of our household shifted once again. He has committed to a full-time class schedule and has already acquired a great deal of homework. I've never seen him happier. Early each morning LBD and I kiss him goodbye and then he's off to campus for the remainder of the day.  Now that my hours have lessened at the library with summer almost over, I've transformed back into being stay-at-home-mom. That is until I go to work in the evening and Will takes over baby duties. By the time I get home later that night, we eat a late meal, and tuck ourselves in bed at an hour I'm too embarrassed to mention.

But today, I don't start working until the afternoon. Will is home for the weekend. The house is unpacked. The baby naps. Shadows from the trees in our front yard move across the window pane of our bedroom. It might be the first time I've had time to be still. Resting for a moment.

We Heart Lawrence

We love where we live. Our new home. The college. The community. The lifestyle.

We think we might (hopefully) stay awhile.

newspaper image source


  1. [...] before I go, I want to take you back for a moment. Now look at that last [...]

  2. Pictures are wonderful..L seems to enjoy nature..seems to be studying it n a lot of pictures....glad you are happy in your new home..we miss you around here and do so enjoy all the pictures and videos of L..she is growing up so fast.

    Love from Michigan
    Grandma Maama


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