Demise of the Traveling Garden

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

I'm sorry to report that my Traveling Garden didn't make the very last leg of the trip. Really is a pity, since they were doing so well until the very end. I mean they made the move from our house in Ludington to Will's parents house and then from Will's parent's house to Kansas City. But come the end of July, the heat completely zapped 'em and when I could have tried to save the project, I completely alienated it. Yup, I'm a plant murderer. I feel really terrible about it though! After the baby getting sick at the beginning and at the end of July, the commute to the library, and finally the move to Lawrence... my sad little garden was no more.

It was a nice idea at the time.... bringing a piece of our life in Ludington with us to Lawrence, but it looks like I'll be starting clean slate.

Which isn't so bad after all.

Because there's a garden center only a few blocks from our new house.



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