
Sunday, July 8, 2012

And then she was two.

Today is L's second birthday. Since I worked today, we celebrated before I left with a big girl birthday brunch of blueberry pancakes, watermelon juice, and cupcakes. She opened her presents from us... a few books and a tea set. Tea parties ensued for the remainder of the day.

When we were sitting down for our celebration I couldn't help but watch her. Each week she changes, grows so fast. She can sing and dance and play independently and run and hop and twirl and talk and hug and kiss.

When you have a child you don't think you can love anything more than that one little being. It's a love unimaginable. And in the stillness of the night when you stop into their room to watch that wonder of your world, your heart aches a little. It aches from swelling with each little breath. With love. That much more than the moment before.

And so she grows...


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