Seeing Things

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Blue bites,

stacks of wonder,

paper cuts,

Color across pages through afternoon rain and thunder.

Growing kit.

Just when you think no one is looking...


while the walls are vibrating. Harmony, melody, two by two.

You look over your shoulder and can't recognize what's behind you.

It's been a hectic fall thus far. At the library, at home, and all around. I feel as though I've been caught in a storm the past month or so, but can finally see it breaking on the horizon. Other than the sleep I've been missing, I've also missed being here. Writing here. It's been a natural part of my schedule for over two years now and when I don't make the time for it, the effect is similar to when I don't get my cup of coffee in the morning. It's not a good situation. For me, or for anyone in close proximity.
I first started writing this post four weeks ago and already so much has changed. L even looks so much different than the pictures above. I was going to scrap it, but decided against it. I thought you might like to give it a read regardless. For those of you who visit frequently, thank you for your patience in my absence. And if you're here for the first time, thank you for visiting. Have some tea and enjoy your stay. I'm back and there's a lot coming your way!


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