Introductions First... Hello Armchair BEA!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Armchair BEA is conducting a "meet and greet" for this year's book blogger participants. Each blogger picks five questions to answer about themselves and their blog. Really excited looking forward to meeting everyone involved, but first let me introduce myself....

1. Please tell us a little bit about yourself: Who are you? How long have you been blogging? Why did you get into blogging?

Hello! I’m Rebecca from Sturdy for Common Things. I live and breathe the simple life as a mother, wife, and children’s librarian in Lawrence, Kansas.  After leaving a demanding job as a as a fashion publicist in New York City for the simple life in middle America, I found myself needing a creative outlet. Sturdy for Common Things has become that place for me (more on that here). Sturdy for Common Things is my first blog.

2. What are you currently reading, or what is your favorite book you have read so far in 2012?

I'm currently reading Three Times Lucky by Shelia Turnage and after I finish I plan to read One for the Murphys by Lynda Mullaly Hunt.

My favorite kids book I've read so far this year has to be Wonder by R.J. Palacio. Hands down. Favorite teen book is Where Things Come Back by John Corey Whaley and favorite adult book is The Sisters Brothers by Patrick DeWitt.

 3. What is your favorite feature on your blog?

My favorite feature is sharing the books I'm currently reading with my daughter, "Reading Together". Also, I have a lot of fun with my "Sunday Storytime" posts where I write about my weekly library storytime including a step-by-step of the post-storytime craft we make afterwards.

4. Which is your favorite post that you have written that you want everyone to read?

I think my favorite post is still my very first blog post. My favorite book-related post is about a library program I hosted this year, The Tournament of Kids Books.

5. If you could eat dinner with any author or character, who would it be and why?

Do I have to pick only one? I have a severe sweet tooth, so having dinner with Willy Wonka would be have to be my pick.



  1. Hi Rebecca, I have heard so many great things about WONDER - I really need to read it. I just wanted to say thanks for blogging and getting others excited about books.
    Best wishes,

  2. :) I'm a Teen Librarian from Missouri!! Did you hear we may have a joint library conference in 2015?? Kansas and Missouri, woot woot! Wonderful blog - love the Reading Together posts.

    So wonderful to "meet" you! Armchair BEA @ the Brunette Librarian

  3. So nice to meet you! I am starting my MLIS degree program this fall and love finding librarians to connect with!

  4. I was just over at your blog, Brunette Librarian! Hopefully, we'll be able to actually meet in person in 2012! :)

  5. Yeah! So glad you decided to join up for Armchair BEA. That is some transition from fashion publicist to children's librarian, but it sounds rewarding. I just picked up Wonder from my library and I'm really excited to get to it. Have fun!

  6. Hi Rebecca! It's so awesome that you're a librarian! It's such a fantastic career choice, and I love that you have a feature where you share your stories as a librarian...what a cool feature! :)

    Awe, that feature where you read with your daughter sounds so neat! :D I would love to read something with my mom. I might just have to ask her and see if she'd want to try it out. :)

    Willy Wonka! Great choice for a dinner guest, and he'd definitely be able to bring dessert. ;)

    Thanks for sharing a bit about yourself! It's great to meet you! :D
    My BEA Introduction Post

  7. I love reading blogs about mother-daughter reading. So good to meet you. :D

  8. Great intro! It's wonderful to "meet" you. It sounds like you underwent a big lifestyle change, but also a delightful one. Will definitely be back!

  9. So many librarians, is it reasonable that I as so jealous of you. I would love to be a librarian and a children's one to boot.

  10. It's nice to meet another book blogger from Kansas. I'm in Wichita, which doesn't seem to be a mecca for book blogging.

  11. I think Wonder is going to be my next middle grade read! So glad to see that you liked it! I love the idea of your "Reading Together" feature! Such a fabulous idea. I love getting my kinds involved in my blog too. Anything to share my love of reading with them is great!

  12. Please read Wonder! You will love it!! I really enjoyed reading your intro and hope that you start writing about kids books.
    Looking forward to keeping up with Books Devoured :)

  13. Haha! Well, no I suppose the book blogging population is few and far between :) There are a few book bloggers in Lawrence... I really like keeping up with what PBR Bookclub is reading each month. In June, they're reading 2666 by Roberto Bolano.

    Thanks for stopping by!

  14. I feel very lucky to be where I am. And I work with some pretty fantastic people to boot!
    So nice to meet you, Carrie! Happy Armchair BEA!

  15. Thank you, Andi! Yes, it was quite the transformation, but I wouldn't change it for the world. Looking forward to keeping up with Estella's Revenge!!

  16. Nice to meet you as well! Thank you for stopping by!!

  17. Thank you, Ambur! So nice to "meet" you as well!!

  18. Ooooh... please keep me posted on your reading of Wonder! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!!
    Thank you for stopping by! Happy Armchair BEA!

  19. Excellent! And congrats on starting your MLIS degree! Where are you going to school?
    Really nice meeting you, Sarah :)

  20. Thank you, Lisa! And thank you for stopping by!

  21. I really like that you work in a library. I haven't read any of the books you listed but I looked them up and they do sound interesting.

  22. I've actually been to Lawrence, its kind of a neat town. I too love reading with my kiddos. I hope you are enjoying Armchair BEA!

  23. Willy Wonka is a perfect choice. I'd make him bring dessert :)

  24. I love living in Lawrence. There's so much creative energy here and the community truly embraces their library. You'll have to let me know if you'll ever be back and we can meet for coffee!

  25. Thank you, Jenn! I'm surround by books and people that love books every day. Such a fun place to be.
    Hope you're enjoying Armchair BEA!

  26. You've had a lot of really great blog posts but I admit your first is my favorite post too. :)

  27. Thank you, Kristie! Hope you're having a great week!

  28. Great choice with Willy Wonka... never thought of that and I have a major sweet tooth. :)


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