The End of Summer (Reading)

Friday, September 23, 2011

It's official. Today is the first day of fall.

Which also means summer reading has officially ended. (le sigh...)

What did you read over the summer months? And f you have children, what did they enjoy reading?

LBD and I did quite a bit of summer reading together, but I also manged to read about 12 books myself most of which were youth and teen fiction.

Out of those titles, the below were the ones I enjoyed the most. In no particular order.

Happy Weekend!

Happy Fall!

The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate by Jacqueline Kelly

The Invention of Hugo Cabret by Brian Selznick (I just picked up Selznick's latest, Wonder Struck, from the library a couple days ago. yeeeee!)

When You Reach Me by Rebecca Stead

The Dreamer by Pam Munoz Ryan & Perter Sis

Over Sea, Under Stone by Susan Cooper

The Magician's Elephant by Kate DiCamillo

The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins

Image Sources: Evolution of Calpurnia Tate, The Invention of Hugo Cabret, When You Reach Me, The Dreamer, Over Sea, Under Stone, The Magician's ElephantThe Hunger Games


  1. Ooh, I'm jealous you got to do so much reading! I actually didn't read any fiction this summer :(

    You read The Hunger Games trilogy?! I read that last year. How did you like it? I thought the writing wasn't the best, but the story was fascinating. I'm excited for the movies :)

  2. Oh, and The Invention of Hugo Cabret has been made into a movie by Scorsese, called Hugo. It's out this November. Do you recommend the book?

  3. Oh, Sarah... it is so good! I heard they were making it into a movie, but I haven't watched the trailer yet. Its hard for me to watch a movie trailer when the book is still fresh in my brain. Maybe in a another week or two :)

  4. I really liked the Hunger Games trilogy-- especially the first book. Suzanne Collins does such an incredible job with character development in her books. Had a hard time getting through Mockingjay in the beginning, but I thought it ended exactly as it should. Now that trailer I have seen! :)

  5. Ok, that's going on my to-read list!

    It's interesting that you say it's hard to watch a movie trailer with the book fresh in your mind. I used to be really anal about not watching a movie until I'd read the book (LOTR was when I broke that streak, and it's one of the first real books that I didn't finish). Anyway, Mike has convinced me that the reverse is often the best way to approach the film/novel adaptation issue. In his opinion, it's best to watch a movie first and then read the book. He says it's because with a book your imagination allows you to experience it fresh in a way that you can't do with a movie. Moreover, because a movie can never include everything from the book, a film adaptation will always fall short of our expectations. Hmm, that was a long response!

  6. Yeah.... I think that is an interesting way of looking at it. (That Mike is an interesting one isn't he?:)) And I wish I could do that and watch a movie first. And I've tried! But as I read, the characters in the book always take form of the actors in the movie. No matter how much I love the Harry Potter movies, they changed reading the books for me. After the first movie was released, I couldn't summon the once familiar faces of the characters of before. I could only see the actors from the movie. I guess there is a reason Will always says the I'm easily affected...

  7. [...] reading Selznick’s 2008 Caldecot winner, The Invention of Hugo Cabret, over the summer I was impatient for Selznick’s latest, Wonderstruck, to be released. And while I enjoyed [...]

  8. [...] reader. And maybe I need to re-read it, because when I went back to see how I ranked with my other summer reading books, I didn’t even include it in my notables [...]


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